Thursday, 12 January 2017

A Streetcar Named Desire - Scene One

Hello year 12s,

We have had some brilliant discussions surrounding the introduction of the main characters this week. We discussed the contrast between Blanche and Stella, and I was pleasantly surprised to find my sympathy for Blanche fluctuating as we dissected her interactions with Stella and you convinced me of some of the more interesting layers to her character.
We also looked at the reasons for Williams' lengthy stage directions and physical descriptions of the characters and considered the possibility of the setting as a 'character' because of it's huge importance to the plot and its apparent 'life'.
You can find a link to the PowerPoint I have been using in lessons below. You are completing the extended writing task for homework - due next week.

You can also find the link to the PowerPoint I used for 'Hamlet' here:

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