Saturday 16 September 2017

Welcome to A Level English YR12s

Hello Year 12s,

Welcome to A Level English.

We have all had an enjoyable first week getting to know you, discussing the concept of poetry and delving into the minds of Hamlet and Sigmund Freud.

As promised, here are the log-in details for JSTOR, where you can find hundreds of academic articles on the texts you are studying:

Username: HarrisAcademy
Password: researcher

A few reminders:

  • Please bring your folder (with all of your notes) to every lesson.
  • Please make sure you have read Ernest Jones' essay on Oedipus and Hamlet for next week's lesson.
  • Your first reading group on 'A Streetcar Named Desire' will be on Wednesday 27th September in M136. You must have read up to the end of scene 5; I will supply the biscuits!
You've started the year with enthusiasm and dedication to the subject - keep it up!

Mrs Stroud

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