Saturday, 9 June 2018

Hamlet and Streetcar - Critical Reading

Hello YR12s

Don't forget, you can access critical reading on 'Hamlet' and 'Streetcar' in the dropbox folders below. There is a new article in there on surveillance in film adaptations of 'Hamlet' (thanks Sawida!)

Hamlet -

Streetcar -

Mrs Stroud

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Model Responses

Hello YR13,

As promised, the model responses are now back on DropBox

Mrs Stroud

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Lesson Resources

'A Streetcar Named Desire'



Asceticism and 'Dorian Gray'

Hello YR12s,

As promised, here are the links to the articles from the British Library that I have been using in our lessons this week. I hope you find them useful - you should take the time to explore the related articles down the right hand side too!

Mrs Stroud

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Tennessee Williams - Guardian Article on Personal Letters

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Model Responses


Below is the Dropbox link to model responses from the Summer. The examiner's marks and comments are in the 'commentaries' document.

Candidate 1 - A*
Candidate 2 - A
Candidate 3 - A
Candidate 4 - C
Candidate 5 - C


Mrs Stroud

Monday, 5 March 2018

The Manipulative Nature of Claudius

Thanks Lara!

Friday, 2 March 2018

Surveillance in Elizabethan England (useful also for a discussion of Polonius)

Hello Sixth Formers

I found a couple of brief online articles outlining the extent of Elizabeth I's spy network and some of the conspiracy theories around the death of Christopher Marlowe which I thought you might like to see.

I've also attached the portrait of Elizabeth I was talking about. It's called the Rainbow Portrait and it was made around the time of Elizabeth's high popularity just after the Spanish Armada when she was in her sixties. It portrays Elizabeth as a young woman, the ideal "Gloriana", in a dress covered with eyes and ears, representing her spy network and that she sees and hears everything that happens in her kingdom. She also wears an embroidered snake on her arm, the symbol of wisdom and cunning, and pearls at her neck, a symbol of virginity. In her hand she holds a rainbow, the symbol of peace and next to it in Latin it says "there is no rainbow without the sun", the "sun" being a metaphor for Elizabeth herself in it's traditional symbolic relationship with monarchy (sometimes even God, though that is a more medieval interpretation).

Have a good weekend,

Ms Bryce

Monday, 26 February 2018

Drop Box - Critical Reading

Hello YR12s and YR13s,

I am really impressed by all the academic articles that you are sourcing and sending me. I have created Drop Box folders to store them all in, which you are able to access via the links below.

I will keep updating as you send me articles, and do my best to add all the ones I have already posted to the blog. I will also add the ones we've read in class or for homework.


'A Streetcar Named Desire'


'The Handmaid's Tale'

'The Romantics'

Happy reading!

Mrs Stroud

Monday, 19 February 2018

Politicising Madness - 'Hamlet'


Below is the link to an interesting article about how we construct the idea of madness and how it is used in literature to create character. Thank you Iona for finding it!

Mrs Stroud

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Blanche's Breakdown and The French Revolution


Below is a link to an interesting article that considers Blanche and Stanley's relationship and her resulting destruction.

There is also an interesting article here on the impact of the French Revolution in Britain.

Thank you Lauren for forwarding what you are reading.


Mrs Stroud

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Poems of the Decade

Hello YR12s,

As promised, here is a list of the poems you are studying from the Poems of the Decade anthology:

Mrs Stroud

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Talks on Frankenstein

Hello YR13s,

Molly and Lauren have sourced two very exciting talks on Frankenstein in context. Have a look below - you should go if you can!

Mrs Stroud

Some useful links

Hello Sixth Formers,

Below are two links you might find useful.

The Handmaid's Tale - Guardian Article (thank you Lauren!)

'Hamlet' - Podcast


Mrs Stroud